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PhD in Medical Physics, University of Patras, 2022
MSc in Biomedical Engineering, University of Patras, 2020
BSc in Electrical and Computer Technology Engineering, University of Patras, 2017

Publications: 50
Citations: 3200

Short BIO

Born in Athens, Greece, in 1991, I completed my academic journey at the University of Patras, achieving my Bachelor of Science in 2017, followed by a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering in 2020 from the Department of Electrical and Computer Technology Engineering. Subsequently, in 2022, I earned my Doctorate from the  Medical School.


Throughout my academic pursuits, I have actively contributed to the scientific community, co-authoring 34 influential papers published in peer-reviewed journals and 16 conference proceedings. My work has garnered significant recognition with 3200 citations and an impressive h-index of 13.


Engaging in 10 Research Projects at renowned institutions like the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas and the University of Thessaly has been a rewarding experience, broadening my expertise and fueling my passion for cutting-edge advancements.


My special interests lie in the captivating fields of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Data Analytics, which I enthusiastically apply to enhance Medical Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, and Air Quality Sensors.

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